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Theory, research, structure, scientists, approach, activity, personality, behavior

How to Cite

Marchuk, S. (2023). THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF PERFECTIONISM. Bulletin of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series Psychological Sciences, 2(1), 9–14.


The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the psychological structure of perfectionism. An overview of theoretical approaches to the study of the structure of perfectionism among foreign and Ukrainian scientists is presented. Considerable attention is paid to the problem of insufficient study of patterns and mechanisms of perfectionism. The expediency of the study of perfectionism at the current stage of the development of psychological science in Ukraine is also emphasized. It has been proven that the problem of perfectionism is quite new in Ukrainian scientific literature, and the need to study perfectionism requires adeeper analysis of this phenomenon at the current stage of the development of psychological science in Ukraine. It was determined that perfectionism is most often considered as an individual’s desire for flawless performance of one or another activity. The analysis of scientific literature indicates that Ukrainian scientists do not have a single position regarding the understanding of the essence of the psychological structure of perfectionism. For successful formation and development, it is necessary to understand what is behind this concept, therefore, the presented material considers various theoretical approaches to the study of perfectionism. The author proves that in modern psychological science, different psychological approaches contain divergent tendencies regarding the very definition of the concept of «perfectionism» and its structure. Prospects for further research consist in a more detailed empirical study of the influence of perfectionism on various spheres of an individual’s life.
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