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professional burnout, distance learning, depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, reduction of professional achievements, emotional barriers

How to Cite

Sydorenko, Z., & Shevchuk, T. (2023). PROFESSIONAL BURNOUT OF TEACHERS IN CONDITIONS OF DISTANCE LEARNING. Bulletin of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series Psychological Sciences, 2(1), 72–79.


The article examines the peculiarities of professional burnout of teachers in the conditions of distance learning. In the course of the study, the following methods were used:

«Diagnostics of professional burnout» by K. Maslach, S. Jackson, adapted by N. Vodopyanov; V. Boyko’s method «Diagnostics of emotional barriers in communication», the author’s questionnaire for determining the peculiarities of teachers’ attitude to distance learning.

A sample of 36 teachers, 26 women and 10 men, was formed for the study. The age of the respondents was from 24 to 55 years.

It was established that the majority of the interviewees show average and high indicators of

professional burnout, which are manifested in such signs as: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and professional reduction. Among the dominant emotional barriers of teachers are inflexibility, vagueness of emotions and inadequacy, inability to manage emotions.

According to the results of the author’s questionnaire, it was established that 75% of the surveyed teachers are «tired and irritated» by distance learning, 10% of respondents are neutral about this form of education, and 15% of the surveyed teachers approve of distance learning.

The analysis of questionnaire data also indicates difficulties on the part of teachers in establishing emotional contact with students, problems of professional self-realization.

In the perspective of the research, we consider it expedient to study the possibilities of optimizing the restoration of personal resources of teachers and to develop a psychocorrective program to prevent emotional and professional burnout of teachers in the conditions of distance learning.
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