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legal awareness, youth, personality development, socialization mechanisms, teenagers

How to Cite

Khlon, O. (2023). MECHANISMS OF ADAPTATION AND SOCIALIZATION IN THE PROCESS OF PERSONALITY FORMATION OF A YONG PERSON. Bulletin of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series Psychological Sciences, 2(1), 80–89.


The purpose of the study is to determine the features, characteristics and integral elements of the application of adaptation mechanisms to modern young people, to identify difficulties that may arise along the way, and to identify ways to overcome them and improve the processes of socialization and social adaptation as a result of the formation of clear behavioral algorithms.

The algorithm of legal socialization of a young person includes the stage of formation of a motivational drive aimed at involvement in a certain social group. Awareness of a persistent motivation to socialize in a chosen group causes identification processes of a person’s belonging to a given group, which may initially arise unilaterally, while formal recognition of the status of such a young person as a member of the group is possible. only if such reality is perceived by the majority, the most authoritative group or its representative.

Imitation, and later exact imitation, is supported by emotional and psychological mechanisms, in particular, for example, such as shame and guilt, when a person who, for one reason or another, has violated written or unwritten rules or norms for the first time, which should be warned to avoid unconscious denial of the illegality of an act. In the future, when a person becomes a full-fledged member of society, the mechanisms of assimilation of social norms may change, in particular, internalization may turn into externalization and vice versa. As a rule, the adoption and assimilation of certain norms and rules is regulated by the effectiveness of one or another activity. If a person who has been properly socialized makes some innovations in stable processes, his ideas are properly examined and, if the usefulness of the project is found, they are allowed into practical activity.
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