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love, relations, satisfaction, trust

How to Cite

Vasiuk, K. (2023). GEVDER FEATURES OF PREPAREDNESS TO ROMANTIC REIATIONS IN ADOLESCENCE. Bulletin of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series Psychological Sciences, 2(1), 103–111.


The article is devoted to the problem of gender-specific features of communications during youth, especially the satisfaction of them. The topicality of research was necessitated by the importance of romantic aspects during youth. At the same time the image of the romantic hero is depends on social values which often dominate in big social groups within certain time period. These images are constantly transformed under influence of media, social-economic conditions and natural historical processes that’s why they require periodical monitoring. In our opinion gender component also makes adjustments in these understandings. In the investigation we`ve analyzed the level satisfaction of romantic relationship of young men with different gender types. Empirical evidence shows there are gender differences the trust in a partner. Masculine persons have a higher level of trust in their partners than famine persons. They perceive themselves as more credible persons. Masculine persons have higher level of emotional indifference at the same time higher level of preparedness to long relations, especially women. It`s been discovered that young men are more romantic but women are more pragmatic, especially famine. Famine women are also easier on adultery than men. In general, the gender differences have confirmed the gender stereotypes about low level of preparedness to long relations, which masculine women and famine men have. They don’t want to take responsibility.
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