

ціннісні орієнтації, внутрішні, зовнішні цінності, потреби, мотивація, спрямованість особистості, особистісна зрілість, юнацький вік, студенти

How to Cite

Tkachuk, L., & Ostapolets, I. (2023). THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MODERN STUDENTS’ VALUE LIFE ORIENTATIONS. Bulletin of the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series Psychological Sciences, 2(1), 34–40.


The article is devoted to a rather urgent problem - the study of the valuable life orientations of an individual, in particular, students. The system of value orientations is an important regulator of human activity, as it allows to correlate individual needs and motives with the values and norms of society realized and accepted by the individual.

The article analyzes the content of key concepts and basic approaches in psychology in relation to its research. The structural components are singled out and the subject, object and international aspects of the individual’s life orientations are described. The role of value orientations in the formation of personal maturity is defined; the degree of significance and realization of external and internal value orientations of modern student youth is analyzed.

Based on the analysis of psychological literature, the peculiarities of the process of formation of value orientations are revealed, its phases are distinguished, psychological mechanisms that can be involved in the development of the value life orientations of an individual at each phase of its formation are described.

It is interesting to analyze the content of dominant values among students. So, in particular, until recently, the dominant values for students were such as «interesting work», «friendship»,

«happy family life», «love», etc. However, the war in Ukraine, which was unleashed by the Russian Federation, made corrections in the value-meaning sphere of modern students, which prompted young people to prioritize such important values as family and national, in particular - peace, faith, freedom, dignity, unity, etc.

The prospects for further research will be the study of the dynamics and gender differences in the value life orientations of students of various courses of study during the period of martial law in Ukraine.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Лада Ткачук, Ірина Остаполець


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